Session Start: Sat Nov 20 18:24:29 1999 * Logging #coldforce2 to '#coldforce2.log' <> <> ;-) <> *** SQD_Tenchu2 ( has joined #ColdForce2 ::fires at anything taller than him:: Follow me, people! We're falling back to the research section! Go sir, go! ::covers the rear:: Where's the rest of them? Tenchu, Poole? ::limps to Harrison:: McManus> I'm here There you are! Thank the gods... POOLE! And I'm not insane... ::grunted:: Here.. Come on MC! ::grabs his shoulder and helps him along:: * CPT_Wychin1 ACTION Several floaters emerge from the elevator shaft ::fires a quick burst at the floaters:: ::Turns around and fires on the floaters, screaming curses at them:: ::turns and fires at the shaft:: ::holsters one of his plasma pistols:: Shit! Kill 'em! We need to find Poole! *** SQD_Kamiya is now known as SQD_Kamiya1 ::stands and walks backwards, gun at hip, firing sporatically:: ::fires another burst at the floaters, who duck:: Poole! There you are! ::Throws his earlier statement about not being insane into doubt by pulling one of his swords out, running to a floater, and stabbing the sword in as hard as he can:: I'm here! <> ::keeps walking slowly backwards:: * LT1_Harrison ACTION One floater goes down to gunfire, the other gets crispy-friend and skewered. ::fires at the walls at the floater:: Fall back! To the labs! ::grabs one of his shuriken out:: Rule One, kiddos, never turn your back... and rule two, never let your officers drink. ::keeps walking:: <> ::Steps away from the floaters:: <> <> ::Wonders if anyone is gonna give him some orders...:: Sir, are grenades free? ::gets down to the end of the corridor, reaches a door, and lifts his SAW up to open it:: We only have a few... But hell, use what you've got. Sir. i know im gonna Sir. WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE, DONT HOLD ANYTHING BACK! Thanks Tenchu. ::Shrugs:: SHUT IT! We are NOT gonna die! ::drops rifle to hang by hip, pulls off a grenade and tosses it down the corridor:: Ech! Speak for yourself! Toshiro, SHUT THE HELL UP! ::slams a door after the grenade:: < ::pulls up rifle again and follows through:: Someone block this shut! <> ::Follows anyone who seems to have a real plan:: I say we try to get everyone out and trap the bugs in here.. and blow the bunker up ::gets a dose of pretramitic stress sydrome and flashes back to another time:: Yeah, I guess- * LT1_Harrison ACTION The instant Harrison steps away from the door something hammers into it, and one hinge buckles... Yeah.. then we can build Iglus... and use the downed Battleship as a new base of operations.. Oh, SHIT! and live as eskimo... What the HELL can do THAT! A sectopod? ::wakes up and lift his machine gun to the door:: Or a chryssalid.. or an Ethereal.. Find a way outta here sir! Something that wants to die!! ::aims both pistols right at the doorway:: Do they usually pound into thigns like that? Fire!! ::Straps his rifle back and grips his Katana in both hands:: or, we shoudl! ::tightens his grips and rapid fires! ::fires the shots through the door, into the flesh of whatever's on the other side:: ::dives away from the door as it collapses...and a hulking reaper rumbles through:: ::Stares at the reaper:: ::fires a threetap:: * LT1_Harrison ACTION THe reaper growls, and the walls seem to shake ::the reaper's mouth rests on his pistol just as it jumps in, and pulls the trigger:: HELLO HONEY! ::holds the trigger down on the reaper:: ::Roars back at the reaper:: * LT1_Harrison ACTION Harrison trips, and his FLAMEthrower slides across the floor... ::runs forward and pushes the SAW against the reapers side:: ::fires another shot into the Reaper's forehead:: ::dosen't even stand back, less than a foot away from the creature:: ::Jumps down and takes a wide slash at the Reaper's left leg:: Too late to go home now! * LT1_Harrison ACTION The firepower seems to have little effect on the alien, which simply butts Chabert away. ::backs against the wall:: WWEEE I CAN FLY! ::and gets knocked unconscious:: *** PVT_Chabert2 is now known as Unconcious_Chabert2 ::Thinks if it can block plasma, this probably wont work either, but is in sortof a berzkerker rage:: < >> ::After slashing the leg, stabs upward at the Reaper's Midsection:: ::puts another shot into the Reaper's forehead:: ::scrambles for his FLAMEthrower:: <> ::and another:: ::and another:: ::fires:: ::is handcuffed to his machine gun:: ::finds it strange it hasn't attacked him:: ::grabs the FLAMEthrower, snatches it up, and unleashes it on the approaching reaper which is EXTREMELY VULNERABLE TO FIRE!:: ::Then brings the sword down in an arc, his foot pivoting, and slashes the Reaper's other leg:: ZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzz........... ::Apologizes for not having a frikkin flamethrower:: * LT1_Harrison ACTION The reaper suddenly sets a light, the back of it's ehad explodes out in a delayed wound, and one leg falls off. {dreaming} ZZZZZzzzzz...... <> Whoa... ::blood splashes into his face:: ::snores:: ::The stomach splits open and covers him in reaper guts:: ::dosen't show any signs of emotion:: Eww. ::pauses, fires suppressant through the door:: ::attempts telepathy with the LT, but hte LTs too busy BarBquing ;):: ZZZzzzz.... With your permission sir, we should get moving... Now! Somebody wake up Chabert... ::slaps Chabert:: ::snores:: ::gets out from under the reaper before it falls over:: I don't abandon men, sergeant. ::wakes up ands slaps somebody.. uh oh:: ::Walks over the Chabert:: Hey LT whats up? Neither do I. ::grabs Chabert:: Wee, going for a ride mommy? Keep quiet. Let's go... ::Follows harrison:: ::cracks Chabert upside the head:: *** Unconcious_Chabert2 is now known as Happybutconfused_Chabert2 Shaddup. ::turns around. :: brb *W* gimme my gun ;) hicup. McManus, look after Chabert. *** Happybutconfused_Chabert2 is now known as PVT_Chabert2 +com+ ::plasma bolt:: How're you guys doing over there?!? ::plasma bolt:: ::nods:: Chabert.. ::faces backwards:: ::picks his nose:: * LT1_Harrison ACTION Harrison leads the way towards the research labs where they hope to hole up... but all of a sudden, something blobbish bursts through a loose air vent. What the? ::starts walking back, covering the rear:: ::grabs Chabert by the collar, pulling him:: Stop it.. ::Doesnt notice the... blobbish thing...:: ::isn't looking:: Huh? ::walking normally, not showing the pain:: * LT1_Harrison ACTION The blob doesn't move... Harrison stares at it, confused. ::Notices the bloobish thing:: Kitty kAt! What is i- Sir? Kill it! Pet it! * LT1_Harrison ACTION THe blob suddenly spews out a stream of magma, which hits Harrison in the face AAAUGH! ::collapses:: son of a bitch! ::back up, firing 4 shots into the blob:: Bad Kitty! ::fires his sidearm at it!:: ::doesn't turn:: What? Squaddies! What the *fuck* was that? ::Suddenly notices that Harrison has a make-up cream on his face:: ::Looks around and sees the blob thing:: ::strains to keep facing back:: Bad Mr. Kitty! ::pumps bullets into the Kitty:: Silacoid.. * LT1_Harrison ACTION The blob doesn't take much before it bursts, and the molten rock within it begins to melt the floor. As the team looks at Harrison, they realise that the same has happened to his face... and his head... and much of his upper torso. ::Turns around, pulls his rifle from his back, and fires at the blob:: *** LT1_Harrison is now known as Melted_Harrison ::finally turns:: Eeeewww ::sighs:: ::picks up his com:: Jesus! Sir? Sir? OH MY GOD! THEY KILLED HARRISON!! Mr. Kitty gonna die! You Bastard! mR. KITTY ::feels like hitting Chabert:: +com+ What's going on over there?!? ::Restrains himself:: Medic! Check him! ::the melted mess of a man flops about as it slowly disintegrates... before going limp. Harrison is barely recognisable...:: < ::looks at Poole:: <> You're in charge now. What do you want us to do? ::Picks up Harisson in his arms:: WHY, GOD, WHY!? Don't touch him, Toshiro. ::Drops him:: ::sighs:: Eh! ::pulls out .45 and fires three shots into Harrison's head:: Mercy. It's a terrible thing to be cursed with. Poole! he's already dead.. ::Turns toward Poole:: He's dead now... right, check with Wychin, but we're pressing on... ::primes a grenade and feeds Mr. Kitty a flamable surprise:: WHY, POOLE, WHY! ::Notices Chabert:: McManus, take rear. I'll take point. AHH! ::Runs away from the grenade:: Tench & Chabert, stay central. +com+ Dammit, people... Mr. Kitty ate Mr. Grenade. I go away now! Because, Squaddie, he was my commander. +com+ If you can... get down to engineering... +com+ If you can't... we're fucked anyway. We're moving on, then. ::Stays central:: And I don't leve people to suffer. ::picks the Lt's wallet; ;):: ::Turns to Chabert, REALLY wanting to hit him:: Now, get a fucking move on, because that's the way I was trained to do it. ::smiles:: We need to bury him. Move out! On me! ::stays by the corpse:: We are after this is over. Nah, lets burn him... We can come back later. ::moves back into formation:: <> ::attempts to jump on McManus, but runs anyway:: ::moves down the corridor, scanning the darkness:: ::takes the flamer:: * Dead_Harrison ACTION As the team were wasting time by Harrison's corpse, aliens were approaching... by the time they make it into the research labs, a floater squad are only thirty seconds behind them. Theres gotta be a useful weapon in here... ::pulls out a shalali:: ::Blinks:: ::fires flame down from where they came to delay followers:: ::Walks over to Chabert:: Okay, keep moving! <> ::Hits him across the jaw. relatively lightly:: ::looks round:: * Dead_Harrison ACTION The floaters are carrying stun bomb launchers... the first few burst into flames, but then the thrower runs dry. Over there. :;points to stairwell:: ::steps on Tenchus foot and runs:: ::hears the explosions, and fires more:: Move! Go! ::Chabert stepped on his WOUNDED foot...:: DAMNIT! ::Wants to KILL Chabert:: ::fires at stairwell door and swivels back towards entrance:: ::Runs after Chabert:: ::runs noticably faster:: ::keeps moving:: ::limping:: MOMMY! ::Stops and realizes that this is no time for petty fights:: ::fires supressant:: How far are we? ::And that he cant catch Chabert in his wounded foot condition anyway:: ::For now...:: Tenchu, you know hwere the fuck engineering IS? * Dead_Harrison ACTION A second squad of floaters has circled around the team... they are surrounded! Engineering? Umm... <> is it near Maintenance? Arribba Ariiba Andali Andile! ::fires in every direction:: Well, GO! ::starts flaming the floaters nearest to him:: *** Nuitari ( has joined #coldforce2 ::starts moving to the stairwell, firing:: * Dead_Harrison ACTION The floaters close in... almost at once, a stun bomb flies in, sending Tenchu flying into wall. Sonofa! +com+ ::static:: ::Smashes his head into the wall:: Not my mommy NO!! ::covers the aft, trying to spread the flame over all of the floaters:: CHABERT! ::runs over to Tenchu and lifts him UP:: CHABERT! Snap the fuck out of it!! * Dead_Harrison ACTION A second stun bomb knocks Chabert to the ground, out cold... God damnit Shit! You shmuck... ::Moans:: ::fires at all the stun bombers first:: ::fires at the source:: * Dead_Harrison SETTING There are nearly twenty floaters gathered now. ((hehe)) ::Crawls toward Poole:: ::suddenly the chemicals in his brain induce a bit of realistic behavior, wow what a rush!:: ZZZZzzzz... ::fires at the floaters more closely spaced:: ::Everything is all blurry and shifting:: *** PVT_Chabert2 is now known as OnceAgainUnconcious_Chabert ::Thinks that Chabert is a dead floater...:: ::Crawls over Chabert:: <<;)>> *** Nuitari ( has left #coldforce2 I'm not fucking dying yet. I got years of back pay unsorted... Me too.. ::backs up to McManus:: * Dead_Harrison ACTION Two of the floaters die messily... but a volley of stun bombs pepper the team. McManus is buffeted by them and collapses... Keep firing. You got ammo? ::Karma police starts playing in his head:: <> ZZZZzzzzz..... ::falls to his side, the flame kicking in and scorching the floaters responsible:: ::swivels and backs towards a wall, firing on full auto:: ::the flame stops as he hits the ground:: Fooor a minuute there... I loooost myseelllf I lost my selllffff... Die fuckers! ::Things get a little more clear:: *** CPT_Wychin1 is now known as Floater_Jim Delta ain't dead yet! ::Stands up and spits out some blood:: * Dead_Harrison ACTION Another half-dozen floaters die... but there are reinforcements now... more stun bombs hurtle in, and Tenchu and McManus finally succumb to unconsciousness. ::Quickly loads his stun launcher...:: *** SQD_Irvine ( has joined #ColdForce2 Must .. disable... shield generato... ::Falls over:: ::backs up finally:: ::Blood dripping from his mouth:: * Dead_Harrison SETTING Poole is alone amidst two score floaters now... ::against a soild wall, keeps firing:: ::Laughs:: ::has happy thoughts:: <<. . . and the worst part is they got the sattellite dish too!>> ::reloads without catching breath:: {Thoughts go through Poole's head} ::Dreams of his youth travelling with the Ninja clan:: ::fires at a SL floater:: * Dead_Harrison ACTION It is inevitable... more floaters die, collapsing to join their comrades, but eventually Poole goes down, stun blasts shaking him senseless. *** Floater_Jim is now known as CPT_Wychin ::Except all his family members are turning into sectoids...:: ::slumps, muttering something inaudible:: ::In the dream:: <> ::Moans:: Traitors... * CPT_Wychin The Cold Force is defeated I was doing so bloody well... * CPT_Wychin But not dead ::Moans:: * CPT_Wychin Read the next story on the page... what an ending! <> ZZZZZZzzzzzz.... * CPT_Wychin To find out what happens to the rest of us... * CPT_Wychin Remember: It's not over yet... * CPT_Wychin END SIM!